What it means To Be Determined – Nicole Winchell from TBD*

Do you sometimes feel alone with your ideas to change the world? You want to work in a company that cares for a better world and social impact but don’t know how to find them? These are the questions that Nicole, Nadia and Naomi had in Berlin a few years ago. And from the kitchen table, they set off to change it. Today, TBD.community is Germany’s largest on- and offline community for people interested to change the world via social enterprises and other projects.

In the interview, we talk about how TBD started and grew to a success story the last years, about their business model, how the three of them got together with their common vision and what people in social startups do wrong..

AKTUELL! Mein neuer Kurs „Endlich deinen Weg gehen!“ steht jetzt online!

  • Wenn du selber noch nicht deinen persönlichen beruflichen Weg gefunden hast
  • Wenn du dir noch mehr Freude und Sinn wünschst in dem was du tagtäglich in deiner Arbeit tust.
  • Online + in Community: Damit wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen!

Jetzt auf www.tobiasmaerz.de/deinweg alle Details + Buchung. Frühbucherrabatt bis Do, 5.10.!

My interview with Nicole:

In this episode:


  • how TBD (formerly TheChanger.org) started from the conversation at a kitchen table
  • TBD’s idea: helping people to find the jobs they love and interconnect social businesses for higher impact
  • the business model: better people for better companies.
  • How they built up a community of 40,000 followers without a marketing budget(!): Good partners and early value for followers
  • The deepest crisis at TBD: Summer 2016 when they almost crashed
  • their best moments: getting support from investors and community
  • their latest ventures: stepping into US and UK

on Nicole’s life:

  • $60 for Amnesty International when Nicole was 9 years old – love it!
  • inspiration by her parents
  • her time with Township families in South Africa – being a traveler between worlds

help for people who are looking for a job with more meaning and happiness:

  • what Nicole loves about her job: being with a community you love
  • finding the job you love: the 4 questions you have to ask yourself!
  • How to get the job you love: 3 crucial tips. …and visit tbd.community, of course! 😉
  • Advice to her 20-year-old self

quick questions, quick answers 



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